Harga Kamera Digital Canon Terbaru Januari 2013

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Harga Kamera Digital Canon Terbaru Januari 2013

Daftar Harga Kamera DSLR Canon Januari 2013

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 1100D Kit
APS-C Digital SLR, 12.2 Megapixel, LiveView, 2.7″ TFT LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, include EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 4.894.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 1100D Kit (Brown)
APS-C Digital SLR, 12.2 Megapixel, LiveView, 2.7″ TFT LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, include EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 4.894.000
Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 1100D Kit (Grey)
APS-C Digital SLR, 12.2 Megapixel, LiveView, 2.7″ TFT LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, include EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 4.894.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 1100D Kit (Red)
APS-C Digital SLR, 12.2 Megapixel, LiveView, 2.7″ TFT LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, include EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 4.894.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 500D Body
APS-C Digital SLR, 15.1 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, SD/SDHC Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, Body Only
Harga Rp. 4.959.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 550D Body
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.7 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, SD/ SDHC/ SDXC Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, Body Only
Harga Rp. 5.226.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 550D Kit1
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.7 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, SD/ SDHC/ SDXC Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, include EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 5.964.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 600D Body
APS-C Digital SLR, 18 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, SD/SDHC Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, Body Only
Harga Rp. 6.087.000
Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 600D Kit1
APS-C Digital SLR, 18 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, SD/SDHC Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD with EF-S 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 II IS
Harga Rp. 6.698.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 550D Kit2
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.7 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, SD/ SDHC/ SDXC Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, include EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 7.650.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 60D Body
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.0 Megapixel, 3.0″ TFT Vari-angle LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, Body Only
Harga Rp. 7.828.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 60D Kit1
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.0 Megapixel, 3.0″ TFT Vari-angle LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, include EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 8.539.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 600D Kit2
APS-C Digital SLR, 18 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, SD/SDHC Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, with EF-S 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 8.623.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 60D Kit2
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.0 Megapixel, 3.0″ TFT Vari-angle LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, include EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 10.438.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 60D Kit3
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.0 Megapixel, 3.0″ TFT Vari-angle LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, include EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 11.610.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 7D Body
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.7 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, CF Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, Body Only
Harga Rp. 12.450.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 7D Kit1
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.7 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, CF Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, include EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 15.014.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 5D Mark II Body
Full Frame Digital SLR, 21.1 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, CF Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, Body Only
Harga Rp. 17.508.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 7D Kit2
APS-C Digital SLR, 18.7 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, CF Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, include EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Harga Rp. 17.909.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 5D Mark II Kit
Full Frame Digital SLR, 21.1 Megapixel, LiveView, Full HD 1080, CF Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, include EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Harga Rp. 25.319.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON 5D Mark III Body
Full Frame Digital SLR, 22.3 Megapixels, LiveView, Full HD 1080, CF Card Slot, 3.2″ TFT Color LCD
Harga Rp. 30.997.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 5D Mark III KIT
Full Frame Digital SLR, 22.3 Megapixels, LiveView, Full HD 1080, CF Card Slot, 3.2″ TFT Color LCD, Include EF 24-105L IS USM
Harga Rp. 38.797.000

Harga Kamera SLR CANON EOS 1Ds Mark III Body
Full Frame Digital SLR, 21.1 Megapixel, LiveView, CF Card Slot, 3.0″ TFT LCD, Body Only
Harga Rp. 58.250.000

Demikianlah Informasi Mengenai Harga Kamera Digital Canon Terbaru Januari 2013. Semoga bermanfaat dan Beguna Hendaknya Buat anda semua. Salam Techno

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3 Responses to "Harga Kamera Digital Canon Terbaru Januari 2013"

  1. Mantab neh, komplit sekali harganya dari A-Z ibaratnya ada semua harga kamera disini, thank gan atas artikelnya.

  2. wah keren artikelnya, info yg sangat bermanfaat gan.. salam kenal dari saya
    thank you :)


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